

訃報:伊ボローニャ大学名誉教授 Elio Lugaresi先生が逝去されました

2015 年 12 月 29 日

2015 年12月22日、伊ボローニャ大学名誉教授 Elio Lugaresi先生が逝去されました。Lugaresi先生は、現在の臨床神経学および睡眠医学の礎を築いたお一人で、特に睡眠医学領域では睡眠呼吸障害、夜間発作性ジストニア、固有脊髄路性ミオクローヌス、致死性家族性不眠症、睡眠時四肢運動異常など数多くの疾患概念の確立に貢献されました。また 2007年にボローニャ大学を辞されるまで数多くの学生・臨床医を指導し、第7回ISMSJ学術集会にお招きしたFederica Provini先生をはじめ、現在の睡眠医学を支える門下生を輩出してこられました。ISMSJは、Lugaresi先生の睡眠医学へのご貢献に敬意と感謝の意を表するとともに、心よりご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。

In December 22th 2015, Prof. Elio Lugaresi, Professor Emeritus of Department of Neurology at the University of Bologna, peacefully passed away. He was one of the greatest founders in the field of sleep medicine as well as clinical neurology. He described many new disorders such as sleep disordered breathing, nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia, propriospinal myoclonus, fatal familial insomnia and periodic limb movements during sleep. He also trained a lot of pupils in the field of sleep medicine and clinical neurology, and today these disciples play a key role in further research and clinical activity. In the keynote lecture by Prof. Federica Provini at our 7th annual meeting 2015, we had an opportunity for reviewing their contributions, which convinced us of the importance of close clinical observation along with neurophysiological evaluation about sleep and related events. We express our deepest sympathies for him and his colleagues, with the utmost respect for his contributions.